The day has finally come! Jeff + Holly’s backyard micro wedding was such a fantastic event. It was such an honor to photograph these lovebirds during their special day. Thanks for picking me as your wedding photographer!
Jeff + Holly kept the event small and intimate, which was absolutely perfect. Everyone got to meet everyone else, and even get know each other throughout the day. With just the closest friends and family, the couple weren’t stressed at all!
It was so cool to see how relaxed they were. They trusted me completely with their photos, letting me do my thing, which allowed them to live in the moment. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.
They had their micro wedding right in their backyard, so the lighting was a little split due to the tall trees. Some spots were really bright and others shaded, but with a little post-production magic, these photos turned out so whimsical!
The couple offered a huge charcuterie table for their guests, catered by plattersbyelizabeth. As you can see, she did an amazing job putting these together. They’re beyond stunning!
Jeff + Holly had two dogs, named Wednesday and Kingston. I could tell right from the start how loved these two dogs were. Sadly, Kingston passed away two weeks after the wedding.
Kingston, the white frenchie, has been with Jeff + Holly for nine amazing years. Holly texted me and asked if I had any photos of him, and thankfully, I did. She said that Kingston passed away peacefully, two weeks after the wedding.
I knew how much Wednesday and Kingston meant to them, so I included as many photos as I could into the final gallery. I’m absolutely heartbroken for them, and I am so grateful to have captured him with my camera.
Kingston held on until the wedding day, which makes me wonder if he knew how special of a day it was going to be. These photos are even more special, knowing that he was there to watch his people tie the knot.
It was such an honor to be there myself, Jeff + Holly. Congratulations on your marriage, and I wish you every good thing in the world.